Thursday, March 3, 2016

7 Things to Do in Puncak

Can be considered a favourite among Jakartans for a quick weekend getaway, after Bandung and Bogor for decades.  We love its clean air, the many tea plantations on either side of the main Puncak road, and the many activities you can do there; from paragliding, tea plantation walking, or just relaxing and admiring the beautiful view. Please be aware that traffic can be horrendous on long weekends, added with the local police’s ‘buka-tutup’ system where the main road is made one way—either upwards or down depending on the time slot— to ease the congestion.

Tip: avoid going on Saturday after 8 am, as the traffic starts to get super thick. Leave as late as possible on a Friday night and spend a night in one of the hotels in Puncak, or leave as early as possible on a Saturday or Sunday. For the trip back, the same rule applies: leave as late as possible, or avoid weekends altogether.

Important ‘Buka-Tutup’ Schedule:
Saturday: 09:00 – 11.30 AM, one way up to puncak. Cars heading to Jakarta/Bogor will need to wait, or find alternative route. s
15.00 – 17.00 pm, one way down to Jakarta/Bogor. Cars heading to Puncak will need to wait, or find alternative routes.

09:00 – 11.30 AM, one way up to puncak. Cars heading to Jakarta/Bogor will need to wait, or find alternative route. s
15.00 – 18.00 PM, one way down to Jakarta/Bogor. Cars heading to Puncak will need to wait, or find alternative routes.

Here is our list of things to do and recommended places to stay in Puncak:

1. Taman Safari


Started in 1930, Taman Safari is a conservation center as well as a modern zoological garden with a collection of over 2,500 animals from Indonesia and all over the world such as komodos, rhinoceros, bisons, sun bears, white tigers, elephants, anoas, and even penguins! This zoo is famous for its Jurassic Park style tour, where visitors get to drive from one enclosure to another and feed the animals from your car. Buy carrots from the many vendors by the side of the road leading up to the zoo before your get there to feed to the animals. After touring with your car (or the provided bus, if you didn’t drive one) inside there are more animals to see, activities, amusement areas, restaurant, and many more things to do for the whole family.

Jalan Raya Puncak No. 601, Cibeureum, Cisarua, Jawa Barat
Hours: 10am-6pm
Sat/Sun: 9am-7pm
(check out their website for night safari schedule)

Phone: (0251) 8250000

2. Paragliding


One of the best (and definitely the most thrilling!) ways to enjoy Puncak’s beautiful scenery is by paragliding. Don’t worry, if you have zero ‘flying’ skills, as you can still go tandem style with an experienced pilot.  The best spot to start is from ‘Puncak Gantole’, located not so far away from the big mosque Jl. Raya Puncak that’s very hard to miss.

There is no prebooking necessary, all you have to do is show up and register with the organizers on the spot. It costs around Rp. 300,000-500,000 per session per person, which gets you about 10-20 minutes flying time. If that’s not enough for you or if you want to learn to do it yourself, companies like Indonesia paragliding and Fly Puncak that can organize trainings or private sessions.

3. Check out the natural waterfalls

One of the most popular waterfall site is the Cilember waterfall located not too far after the Cisarua toll road exit. Locals call this waterfall as Curug 7 Cilember or the 7 waterfalls of Cilember, representing its 7 waterfalls scattered throughout the uphill path.  The first half of the climb wouldn’t be too difficult, but after that, you will be faced with an increasingly difficult terrain to make it to the seventh waterfall at the top. Definitely a refreshing and healthy way to spend your morning!

Curug 7 Cilember
Jl. Raya Cisarua, KM.10, West Java
Location: (Lat -6.665227, Long 106.941732)

4. Gunung Mas Agrotourism

gunung mas

The Gunung Mas agrotourism area is state-owned PT. Perkebunanan Nusantara sprawling 540 hectare wide tea plantation and agrotourims area with plenty of fun activities for the whole family such as horse riding, cycling, ATV riding, or just to have a relaxing picnic. Gunung Mas is also the best way to access the  kebun teh or the tea plantation that is open for the public to have a refreshing walk on. If you want to spend more than an afternoon, Gunung Mas also offers decent and affordable accommodation on site.

Jl. Puncak Raya – KM. 87, Cisarua, West Java
Phone:(0251) 8252501

from What's New Jakarta

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