Thursday, September 1, 2016

Art Interpretations in ARTOTEL Thamrin’s Hotel Rooms

Jakarta, 29 August 2016 – Collaborating with Art Dept Id, and supported by Generation-G, Artotel Thamrin Jakarta has brought out another creative concept called #UniverseBehindTheDoors. Five couple hosts and 27 young local artists, divided into five groups, will transform five ARTOTEL rooms into surreal art galleries. Each room will have a unique concept that highlight each artist’s style and talent.



Universebehindthedoor_ARTOTEL_Thamrin_4The event was marked last Monday with a raffle night to decide whom couple host will work together with each artists group. The result, couple Dian Sastrowardoyo and Maulana Indraguna get the first room with street art concept, couple Andien Aisyah and Ippe Wahyudi get a chance to play with new media in room four, couple Andhikamaxi and Karen Carlotta will work with colorful combination between 2D materials and ceramics in room three, couple Leonard Theosabrata and Irene Yuliana has to be creative with soft and monochrome colors in room five, and lastly couple Diaz Parzada and Wilsen Willim will work with some of the most talented illustrators in Jakarta in room number two.

Universebehindthedoor_ARTOTEL_Thamrin_5All rooms will be open for public for two days starting from 21 October. After that the artworks is going to be moved to a public gallery at ARTOTEL for another month, until 20 November 2016. Amalia Wirjono, founder of Art Dept Id hopes through #UniverseBehindTheDoors many people can be inspired to start collecting artworks. This especially can happen because visitors will have a chance to meet the artists in real life and talked about the concept. More over, the hotel rooms setting will make it easier for potential collectors to imagine how their room can be transformed into different worlds just with a touch of artworks.

Universebehindthedoor_ARTOTEL_Thamrin_6The 27 artists participating are:

Room 1: Adi Dharma, Erwin Wundu Pranata, Muchlis Muklay, Muhammad Vihamy, Bayu Widodo.

Room 2: Deila Maharanie, Kendra Ahlmsa, Adit Sarkodit, Puji Lestari Ciptaningrum, Sarita Ibnoe, Deya Ayu.

Room 3: Argya Dhyaksa, Antonio Sinaga, Sekarputri, Tara Astari Kasenda, R. Yuki Agriardi.

Room 4: Yusuf Ismali, Keke Tambunan & Indra Amenk, Faisal Rahman, Narpatu Arwangga, Nurrachmat Widyasena “ito”.

Room 5: Evelyn Pritt, Zia Fauziana, Endira F Julianda, Patriot Mukmin, Labadiou Piko, Rega Ayundya Putri.

from What's New Jakarta

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