Monday, January 4, 2016

Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta Shares Christmas with Yayasan Talenta Kasih

Christmas is a perfect time for love and sharing. The warmth of this festive season makes it perfect to share the happiness with our beloved ones. From that idea, the management of Sari Pan pacific Jakarta held a special Christmas event with orphans, media and bookers.

Started at 6:00pm, this event was held at Cendana Room. Our beloved General Manager, Mr. Dean Rossilli gave a warm welcome to all the children from Yayasan Talenta Kasih, Yayasan Autisma Indonesia, bookers and media. Doing things differently this year, Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta invited Yayasan Autisma Indonesia, an organization that is focused for children with this special need to be part of the show. Anjuan Julio and Dionisius Junes, these two autism children presented beautiful collaboration by playing guitar and singing.




Throughout this December, Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta collaborated with Yayasan Daya Pelita Kasih for painting exhibitions and Thomas Art Gallery for origami exhibition. All the paintings and origami were sold as a charity to support children with autism.

At the end of the event, all the orphanages were gathered and they entitled to get the stationary sets as their souvenirs. Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta remains committed to run the CSR activities as the regular activity every month as socially and environmentally responsible manner from the management to the local society.

from Whats New Jakarta

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