Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Do You Sit Properly at Work ?

final-Do You Sit right on working with laptop

Lifestyle changes make people nowadays sit much longer. Certain jobs make people glued to the office chair and their computers and laptops, and many people prefer sedentary lifestyle as a couch potato. But do you know that sitting is the new smoking? Researchers have found and continue to find evidence that prolonged sitting increases the risk of developing several serious illnesses like various types of cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Besides, sitting causes biomechanical disturbances, and often it causes us to suffer from low back and buttock pain. Piriformis syndrome is one of many conditions that can be caused by prolonged sitting. The way you sit is also give a lot more effect on your health.

Not many people ever heard of this condition, meanwhile in one study at a regional hospital, 45 of 750 patients with LBP (Low Back Pain) were found to have piriformis syndrome. Another author estimated that the incidence of piriformis syndrome in patients with sciatica is 6%. The female-to-male incidence ratio of piriformis syndrome is 6:1. It could cause someone to feel chronic pain in the buttock area, and pain may radiate to the lower leg. It can also make someone have intolerance to sitting, but pain also worsens with walking or squatting.

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The piriformis muscle can become tight from, for example, too much sitting (a problem many working people can relate to). The muscle can also be strained by spasm or overuse. In piriformis syndrome, this tightness or spasm causes the muscle to compress and irritate the sciatic nerve, nerve that passes through the buttock area. This brings on lower-back and buttock pain, sometimes severe. But pain should be differentiated with other causes of radiating pain, such as disc problems or other dysfunction.

Some studies show that even if you exercise regularly, but still maintaining that sedentary lifestyle, you can’t avoid the risk of having all those illnesses. Sitting, like smoking, is very clearly bad for our health and the only way to minimize the risk is to limit the time we spend on our butts each day.

Tip: Stand from your seat every 30 minutes, walk for a bit. Some office even have standing desks now, so people can work while standing, thus, minimizing the effect. Try to be more active during the day and do some exercises.

So, How do you sit properly on working with the Laptop?

In our center, which is lead by Dr. Anthony Fong as the Consultant, you can have specific treatment to manage the symptoms due to these problems.

If you need more information please contact Spine Body Center Phone, APL Tower 25th Floor T3, Jl. S Parman Kv 28 Jakarta Barat Phone no. 021 29339295 or visit our website http://ift.tt/1KU81gJ

from Whats New Jakarta http://ift.tt/1M91b5H

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