Thursday, September 17, 2015

 Is Cracking Your Neck Dangerous?

Doesn’t it feel great when your hairdresser suddenly “cracks” your neck after a head massage? But is it a wise thing to do?

Why Neck Cracking is Dangerous 2

To answer this question, we need to really know, what actually happens when you crack your neck; Joints consists of bones with ligaments attaching them together. This is all wrapped up with a thick fibrous tissue known as the joint capsule. The inner layer is known as synovial membrane which produces a lubricant to minimize friction between your joints. This lubricant is known as synovial fluid.

When joints are stretched past a certain threshold, nitrogen gases within the synovial fluid are released. This causes the “popping” sound.

Shortly after you have “cracked” your neck or knuckles, nitrogen gases dissolve back into the synovial fluid and this may take up to 30 minutes – that’s why you usually have to wait a while before you can pop it again.

Recent studies have shown that that joint manipulation stimulates nerve ending, stretches the joint and provides some form of analgesia or pain-relief. Problems occur when manipulation to areas such as your spine is performed by untrained or unqualified practitioners.

There are many short courses available attempting to promote spinal manipulation but one must be mindful that the spine is an extremely delicate structure.

Studies have shown that Chiropractors spend almost the same amount of time as medical doctors in their studies. In certain subjects such as anatomy, physiology, musculoskeletal-related courses, it has been shown that Chiropractors spend more hours and training in these subjects than other professions.

Why Neck Cracking is Dangerous

So let’s get back to the questions, is spinal manipulation dangerous? 

There are so many things that can go wrong when you self-crack your neck. Before you decide to wrench your own neck, consider that these structures contain: ligaments, nerves, muscles, arteries, blood vessels, spinal cord, joints and the lower brain stem. This means that careless spinal manipulation can be detrimental to your body.

Next time you are in pain or you are experiencing discomfort, have your spine assessed and managed properly by a qualified professional!

Why Neck Cracking is Dangerous3

For more information, please contact Spine Body Center which led by renowned spine consultant, Dr. Anthony Fong at or call 021-2933 9295

from Whats New Jakarta

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