Hi, I’m new to Jakarta and I’m looking to get involved with a Yoga Studio, any kind of Yoga will do. I like really nice studios, so I’d prefer if they were mid to upper end studios.
Also, I’m looking for ways/forums/web sites to find Yoga retreats around Indonesia. I want to see as much of Indonesia as I can while I live here, and I like to do that while pairing my yoga hobby. If the retreat can offer surfing as well, and a complete health and lifestyle theme – even better. I’ve found one through http://ift.tt/29Vev3l and their facebook page “Mahi-Mahi Surf Resort – Simeulue Island” that looks good, but before I book I wanted to ask, has anyone visited Simeulue or Mahi-Mahi Surf Resort? Thanks for all your help! Hope I can get some good insight into Indonesia and Jakarta yoga!
Hi Nathan,
Welcome to Jakarta!
Unfortunately I have not been nor knew anyone who has been to mahi mahi resort Island.
But I do go to yoga regularly, there is a lot of yoga studious in Jakarta so it really depends on where you live.
I myself live in South Jakarta so I can recommend you my favorite yoga studio which is Bikram 42. They offer different classes like anti gravity, hot barre, hot yoga etc. They have 2 locations one in in Kemang Lippo mall http://ift.tt/29VtT3r and one is in Senayan http://ift.tt/29VexIj.
Their website is http://ift.tt/29VubaA. It is middle-upper class. I love their organic kitchen too. (at least the one in Lippo mall Kemang)
And the other one is SOUL BOX which is located in SCBD area. http://ift.tt/1i711UM.
This is middle and upper class more on leaning towards upper class. Very nice studio.
From these 2 places I am sure you will meet a lot of yogis and instructors who could recommend or introduce more communities to you.
Or visit http://ift.tt/1JyC5hB
Good luck and Namaste. 
from What's New Jakarta http://ift.tt/29VegFc
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